Welcome to our page dedicated to professionals!

If you are a professional customer looking for our collections, please note that our e-shop is exclusively reserved for our consumer customers. But don't worry, we have implemented simple solutions to allow you to access our products as a professional.

How to place an order as a professional?

First purchase

For any first order, we invite you to come and meet us directly in our showroom. A minimum purchase of €300 excluding VAT will be required, with a company KBIS.

Access a professional account

To obtain access to a professional account and facilitate your future orders, we invite you to contact our dedicated team by email: befirst93300 @ gmail.com

Jubylee App

You can also download our Jubylee app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Once the app is installed, fill in all your information to create your business account.
Download our Jubylee app for easy management of your orders!

A dedicated team at your disposal

We are here to answer all your questions and assist you in your efforts. Do not hesitate to contact us by email for any additional information or specific request.
Thank you for your trust and see you soon in our showroom or on our application!